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Brass, Copper & Stainless Pipe/Tube, Alloy Extrusions & Marine Insulation

This is a past auction. Click here for current auctions
Thursday 30th January 2020 at 10:30 AM
Location: 370-378 Torrens Road, KILKENNY SA 5009  View Map
Under Instructions: from a third party Alliance
Fees: A Buyers Premium of 15.00% Will Apply, Sale is GST Inclusive
Enquiries: Andrew Maros 0418 845 884 andrewm@mgs.net.au, John Fuss 0412 694 852 johnf@mgs.net.au
Live Auction Webcast: https://www.interbid.com.au/mgs
Print Catalogue

Auction Catalogue

Lot 3

90mm OD x 1.8mm WALL x 6m APPROX
73mm OD x 1.8mm WALL x 9m APPROX
60mm OD x 2.0mm WALL x 48m APPROX
48 x 2.0mm WALL x 186m APPROX
35 x 1.8mm WALL x 90m APPROX
25 x 1.8mm WALL x 24m APPROX
13 x 1.8mm WALL x 72m APPROX

60mm OD x 1.8mm WALL x 6m APPROX
48mm OD x 1.8mm WALL x 6m APPROX