Restored Truck, Ford Utes & Sedans, Fab Shop, Hydrabend Press Brake, Heine Rolls, Tigs, Migs, Arc's, Crash-shop Spot Welders, Truck 7 Tonne 4 Post Hoist, Car 4 Post Hoist 4 Tonne, Molnar 2 Post Clear Floor Hoist 3 Tonne, Tyre Fitter & Balancer, 400lb Blacksmiths Anvil, Hyster & Clark Forklifts, Full Workshop, Grinders, Drill Presses, Linishers, Jacks, Trans Hoists, Woodworking, plus, Old Ford, Holden Spares, Late Model Parts, Storage & Ex Bowden Ford Showroom Henry Ford Wall Art
VEHICLES: 1967 Ford Model 600 Restored 4x2 Truck.
fitted with 351 Cleveland V8 dual fuel.
chassis and body respray, painted alloy tray fitted, 3 bucket seats, re upholstered .
2008 Ford BF Falcon Tray Top Ute.
2000 Ford AU Falcon Ute.
1995 Ford EL Falcon Ute.
Ford Fairlane Ghia
Ford BA Falcon Sedan.
Hyster H50H Fork Lift 2500 KG lift , see thru mast, LPG, Puncture proof tyres.
Clark C500 Fork LIft , 4000 KG lift , 2 stage mast , LPG, Air Tyre, plus vehicle slippers.
Hydrabend Press Brake, 50 Tonne app, 2400mm (8ft) Hydraulic, plus 4 way tool block, and various other tools. 415 volt.
John Heine 2000mm Manual Plate Rolls.
Arc Welders, EMF/ CIG 415-240 volt, Tigs, Weldsmart 200 amp 415 volt, Liquid Arc Viking STP 240 volt. Migs, Transmig 195 amp 240volt.
Crash Shop Spot Welder, Fan Multi Worker 911-3 , 415 volt.
7000 kg light truck hoist, 415v , Molnar 1705/3T Clear floor hoist, Stenhoj 4000kg 4 post hoist 415v.
400LB Anvil, Woodman 14 inch Bandsaw, Barker 400mm Planner 415v, Trade Quip Drill Press, DE grinders, Linishers, Ritch Engine Crane, Workshop Press, 4 inch Bar Bender, karcher Steam Cleaner, Digital Wheel Balancer & Tyre Changer 240volt, Tooling, power tools and more.
Ford Showroom Carpeted Wall Hangings of Henry Ford (collectors) spares etc.